🔥🔥Impassioned Marketer
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đźš‘Aortic Aneurysm Survivor
🙏Devoted Dad

"...I recommend this touching and inspiring book to everyone."
-Amy Yasbeck

Running a marathon is much more than just a metaphor in Benjamin Carey’s powerful memoir Barefoot in November. His inspiring story, beautifully told, encourages us to take charge of our own fate. This book captures his emotional, physical and spiritual journey to the finish line and beyond.
            Benjamin Carey’s world is understandably rocked when he discovers that he is living with an aortic aneurysm. He credits his family, doctors and surgeons, as well as post John Ritter awareness, for his survival. In the wake of John’s loss the demand for information about aortic dissection and its genetic predisposition was heightened. This wave of awareness has brought about a significant rise in correct diagnosis and in proactive treatment for this dangerous ticking time bomb. Ben’s wife Nicole and his mother keep him on track by reminding him to consider John's fate when assessing his own. 
I especially appreciate the simplicity and specificity with which he lays out the medical and personal events leading to his life saving surgery. His writing strikes the perfect tone while honestly recounting what it took to survive his ordeal. The tenderness, toughness and humor required will be recognizable to anyone who has gone through this kind of crash course in aortic disease or any life changing event. 
            I recommend this touching and inspiring book to everyone.
-Amy Yasbeck, Actress & Founder of
Great story..a must read for any stubborn patient going through an illness. I actually found the dynamics between Carey and his wife pretty humorous, as I am sure that is the same way my husband and I would be! More than for the basis of the story, I liked it more for what Carey had written between the lines related to familial dynamics and work ethic, as well. I thought he made some very important points whether a person has a life threatening illness or not!

-Naomi B., Sisterhood of the Traveling Book

Hello I'm Margaret. I enjoyed your book very much! I have to tell you there were a few moments in the book that I was able to relate to so well such as your son in Home Depot. Oh my, I think my 3 year old son (Kaiou), is his twin. There's comfort in knowing I'm not the only one! Also, the couch moving scene was hilarious. I laughed out loud and woke up my husband who was crashed on the couch.(he works long hours and it's a physical job in his defense) In any case he thought I was nuts but hey it's funny!

Margaret Faria
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